Friday, June 23, 2006

Defining My Genre: Part 3

For most of my life, when I've built stuff with LEGO bricks, I've built space ships. When I was growing up "Space Lego" was popular, and there were a lot of sets to drool over in the LEGO catalog. I couldn't afford much, but I bought a few small ones and combined it with my brother's old LEGO to build what I could.

I built a thousand and one variations on a number of basic space ship designs, dictated partly by my imagination, and partly by the limitations of the pieces I had. Nowadays, when I build with LEGO, I still often built spaceships. They're fun, and the mechanical nature of LEGO is conducive to making machines, even if they only function in my imagination.

Given my 20-year fascination with building spaceships, I'm still not entirely sure why the one time in my life I spent big bucks on a LEGO set, I bought a pirate ship instead of a spaceship. I've analyzed this decision many times over the years, and the one conclusion I can come to was that the spirit of the pirate ship appealed to me. Swashbuckling, climbing ropes, sailing the high seas in myriad adventures.... I'm not sure why I didn't imagine similar fun things about space travel; maybe I was just needed a break from space. Ironically, my fascination with piracy soon faded, and I used the pieces from my new set to build.....more spaceships!

What does this have to do with My Genre? You will see......



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think LEGOs are fun :) Also, the boys in my room almost always build "ships" with them, too. Interesting...

6:10 PM  

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