Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pushing thirty, and still clueless

In the grand scheme of things I'm not very old, but for the first time in my life, I don't particularly like the fact that I'm turning a year older. Twenty-seven is a lot closer to thirty than twenty-six was, and I have this (possibly erroneous) idea that by the time one is thirty, one should have an idea where one's life is headed. I'm not sure if I know where my life is headed, but here's what I've been thinking of in the last year:

I'm feeling a strong urge to start my "real career" in something arts related. (I always felt that working at the library was only temporary, and they know that.) At the same time, buying a hou$e, and talking about having child$ren has made me re-consider the advantage$ of a $teady job. I want to make a decision about how to balance these two factors, regardless of the fact that I'm pushing thirty. I've also learned that keeping issues in limbo is a very adult thing to do, so I'll try not to panic on July 25, 2009, when I still don't know where my life is headed....

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm leo too and much older than you.:) I think I did a big career change at your age. But I still play the violin and it's fun.

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!
I know the limbo feeling. We should have a support group.

1:30 PM  

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