Wednesday, August 23, 2006

"Second Life"

I've found again and again, in the last few years, that the skills I develop on the Internet, when I think I'm just playing, (or even wasting time) are actually valuable in real life. Armed with this knowledge, I've been making a conscious effort lately to remain reasonably knowledgeable about the latest internet trend.

So far I have:

~a blog (you're reading it)
~a gmail address
~a myspace page
~a youtube account
~a flickr account (see sidebar slideshow)
~accounts with Amazon,, and probably others I can't think of at the moment
~and now, a Second (My name is Jayma Shen.)

Along similar lines, I've been devoloping my peripheral internet skills, such as digital photography and html programming.

Here's to staying young and savvy!



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