Wednesday, April 19, 2006

King Kong

By implied request, here is a review of pure opinion. Enjoy!

I once defined loving someone as "wanting good things for that person." King Kong is a story of this kind of pure, unselfish love, and it is an excellent movie because of it. I don't want to spoil the story for you, but suffice it to say that I now add King Kong to the very short list of movies that made me cry.

King Kong is also one of the most thrilling action-packed movies I have ever seen. I saw it on my TV twice in a week and was totally carried away by it's intensity; I can only imagine how much more exciting it would have been on the big screen!

The only quibble I can possibly come up with concerning Kong is that it occasionally stretches reality just a little bit too much. There are times, while gap-jawed with awe about a scene, when I couldn't quite still the voice in the back of my mind (or on the couch beside me), saying, "Yeah right!" This didn't make the movie any less exciting and cool, it was just a bit distracting from time to time.



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