Who killed the electric car?
Electric cars have been around as long as gasoline powered cars. One hundred years ago, there were more electric cars on the road than there were gasoline powered cars.
Electric cars make less pollution than gasoline powered cars, even if coal is burned to produce the electricity.
GM produced and leased fast, well-built electric cars (the EV1) over 5 years ago. Consumers loved them, and there was a waiting list of over 4000 people.
Through pressure from the car companies, the oil industry and the federal government, California repealed the clean air mandate that had led to these cars being made.
GM recalled and destroyed every one of their perfectly good EV1s, over the protests of the car owners, who would have loved to buy the cars. Other companies followed suit, recalling and destroying their electric vehicles.
The Bush administration is now pushing the hydrogen fuel cell, an expensive and dubious technology, while ignoring the fact that we already have the technology available to mass-market clean, safe, efficient electric cars.
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Read GM's rebuttal
Labels: Movie reviews
Is this currently in the news or something? Because one of my friends brought this exact topic up at Starbucks on Sunday, which led to a lively discussion about different means of getting around (we were trying to explain to a 15 year old that, yes, we agree saving the environment is important, but it's not always realistic to save money and wait until you can buy a fuel-efficient vehicle - sometimes you just have to buy one, and then hope to buy a better car in the future), which led to pollution issues, etc, in cities throughout/countries throughout the world. Anyways, I just thought it super ironic that I hadn't thought about electric cars in forever - and then you post a blog right after my friends and I had a convo about them. Whew. That was long. sorry.
The film "Who killed the electric car?" came out on DVD recently. It's very informative.
Watched "Who Killed the Electric Car" recently (great documentary), then i heard that GM and Tesla are making another run at the electric car (yay for progress!) hopefully development of this technology can continue forward uninterrupted by the powers that depend on oil consumption.
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